Attention & Concentration

Attention & Concentration

Recent studies indicate a 330% increase in psychotropic drug use in children under the age of 24 over the past 10 years (study was over a population base of 990,000 individuals). This is staggering, both for what it represents to us personally as families and parents, but secondarily to our culture and society.

There are many things that can be employed nutritionally to turbo charge the brain function and perhaps make drug intervention unnecessary. Research finds everyday new applications of safe and known nutrients to assist the normal physiology of mentation and concentration. These things work! It is vital to try the lesser measures before beginning to medicate a young child in the developmental years, as it is so easy to interrupt the subtle mental, emotional, and social evolution occurring. Some people say that addictive patterns can be introduced in
childhood pre-disposing individuals to addictions later in life.

I have been helping support children and adults’ brains for almost 2 decades now! I have been following some exciting research into this area lately, which further validates and connects nutritional supplementation with improved mental function including memory and focus. In fact, there have been several studies conducted demonstrating improvements in mental clarity by supplementing with specific formulations of nutrients that support brain health.

Attention-deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) has been increasing in schools over the past 10 years, and it's costing schools a lot of money—so much so that they're struggling to keep up with the costs. The good news? It turns out that essential fatty acids (Vitamin ‘F’) and trace minerals are extremely influential in helping normal brain function. And every impaired individual should be supported with the basic foundational nutritional approaches to observe how optimized their
function can become.

While sugar and the high-glycemic American diet have been implicated for years in ADD and hyperactive disorders, simple diet modifications may significantly enhance cognition and attention span. Food allergies are also a culprit robbing the body of its vitality and overstimulating the adrenals, creating a cascade of behavior disturbances. When these chronic immune burdens are removed within three days, improvement is obvious. The most suspicious food allergies are cow milk products, corn, wheat, and soybeans. By eliminating these things for two weeks and then reintroducing them one at a time, it's demonstrated which one(s) are offending.

Min-Tran is a trace mineral product that can help your child focus, concentrate, and pay attention. It’s a staple in our office! It's an all-natural solution that contains over 42 total minerals—the kind of minerals that we as a population are deficient in, especially if we eat diets filled with sugars and empty calories.

Our children are not temperamental biological mechanisms with inherent Ritalin stimulant deficiencies! They are profound miracles of biochemical individuality. They must be given the opportunity to achieve the full genetic potential. It is vital that we find more natural means of supporting childhood developmental challenges, and only medicate if all other alternatives prove inadequate.

In Health,

Dr. Matt

PS: Did you know that 85% of the brain is water? Did you know that 60% of the dried weight of the brain is fat? Did you know that 30% of the fat in the brain is made up of DHA?

Nutritional Protocol to Support the Patient with ADD/ADHD:

Min-Tran 2-12/day
Tuna Omega 3-Oil 1-4/day
~ Rule out Blood Sugar Imbalances, Dietary Allergies, Heavy Metals, “Leaky Gut Syndrome”
Correct Diet, Rule out Parasites

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